The love of a Dog

April 6, 2016  

" My dog is not my pet, my dog is family" Many homes across the country are a little more lively and they have a four legged friend to thank. Life doesn't get much better than coming home to the excitement of a dogs love. Dogs protect, love unconditionally, are loyal , are the center of lots of family memories and are extremely dedicated to their human families.
Dog rooms and washing stations. A new trend, but one that is much needed. There is a distinct smell that comes with a dog who's been outside for some time. A smell that can spread to your furniture, carpets and overall home. A smell that is tough to rid of. A specific location in your home to wash and groom your four legged friends contains the mess and smell. Washing stations can be as simple or elaborate as you would like. They can also can be versatile for other members of your family too. Easy spot to wash off dirty boots or cleats, clean off after days spent digging in the garden.
Just as pets add joy, life and love to our families, dedicated washing space can add versatility and value to our homes as well.

Picture courtesy of Pinterest